Monday, July 15, 2013

Array of quick concepts

These are some various Dark fantasy/horror concepts I threw together with a 2-3 hour for each sheet.

Horror Faces
         H. R. Geiger style. Alien like creature.
    H. R. Geiger style. Deep cave creature.
  H. R. Geiger style. Phantom's of the dark.
Dark fantasy zombie warriors.
Dark fantasy predator of the deep

Design 3 contrasting concepts based on the following description: 

Design a bipedal character that exists in a desert world.  It has adapted to withstand long periods of time without water.  It has the ability to walk above and below the desert floor.  It is proud, resourceful, and intelligent.  

Take no more then 6 hours to develop all 3 concepts


1. This creature of the great sands is a Nomad. With the powers trained upon him to mold special sands into rare and unique objects. Sometimes the journey takes this creature on far travels. Its many eyes allow it to watch around its self for many dangers appear. Most of its Travels take place at night. Its nocturnal vision allows it to see great distances at night. In the day time it cannot see further then a human. Its high ability to smell allows foraging in this rough terrain a easier task then for many.

2. This creature is of a roaming tribe of desert care takers. These creatures are of plant origin. Therefore they have a symbiotic relation ship with Cactus and other plants. Which will literally grow on them. They use theses plants to absorb mass amounts of water in there long travels. Much like elephants of Africa these creatures have to travel very long distances when there is no rainy season which is very short on this desert planet. The tribes of these roamers will walk for many days to reach other oasis where they can be found in great numbers standing in the waters absorbing waters. The creature is believed to be one of the main reasons this planet still has plant life. It is a great care tender to other plant oriented species and one of the main reasons oasis look so lush and elegant. For most of their time is spent in the areas around the oasis.

3. This bipedal Dragon lizard look a alike is a creature of the sands who is more of a vicious breed. Found mostly roaming at night and basking in the sunlight these creatures are not fond of others. They are skittish and will jump to aggression faster then most. The creature has large orange pore sacks that hold large amounts of water. Most of these sacks are found on the tail. Moisture has a very low evaporation rate threw this creatures skin. These creatures will drink large amounts of water until each sack is close to exploding before they will start on there distant journeys. The creatures are known for there tactics and are common in teaming up to create raiding party's on villages of  creatures. 

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