Saturday, May 10, 2014

AOM: Rebels Medium Armor

Day by day things look more and more exciting about where were moving for Ashes of Mankind. I'm super excited for the Kickstarter to go up. We hope you all will be interested in the overall vision of the game and be willing to invest in us!

Rebel's Medium Armor

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Lava treasure

Today was just a treasure cove kind of day. This time it was a fire cove!

Treasure cove

A treasure cove. I love treasure!

Warm up: small ship docked

As i continue to work on various thing. I'd like to start doing a hour warm up before getting into it. Just something that only involves painting and no photo bashing. Here was todays. Time to do more work!

Fliers: Del, Bars of Gold, Beast in the field

Being that most of my work I show here is concept art. I felt like it could be a nice change of pace to show some of the fliers I've done. These were done for a local venue in which I've gotten to do some great fliers for. Some various talent in the music industry. I cant thank Shakespear's enough for contacting me when these acts come threw!